Using Mobile Device Management in Your Business

How we interact with technology has changed. We are no longer confined to a desktop computer in the office. We are on the go. We are mobile. We have laptops and tablets and mobile phones. Our emails sync across all three, as do our documents, our contacts and our calendars. Everything is available to us […]

A Beginner’s Guide to the Cloud

When you’re thinking about making changes to the technology that your business relies on it can be a difficult decision. You want to know what the initial impact will be, the long-term effects and the benefits. The most important thing you need to understand though is the change that you are actually making. It’s very […]

5 Benefits of the Cloud for Non-Profits

Organisations are considering the Cloud more and more. According to the Cloud Industry Forum in 2017, the overall Cloud adoption rate in the UK had risen to 88%. Despite this increase, it’s important that organisations do not just adopt the Cloud because everyone else is doing so. You need to fully consider the benefits that it will […]

How to Create a Shared OneNote

OneNote is one of our favourite applications that comes with Office 365. It allows the way that you make notes and organise your work to become a really flexible experience. OneNote gives you the ability to have multiple notebooks that are organised through tabs, pages and subpages. You can drag and drop other documents from Word […]

How GDPR Affects Businesses

We first started to hear whispers of GDPR early last year, and since then those whispers have got louder and louder so that now it seems like that is all anyone is talking about in the IT industry. A lot of rumours seems to be flying about concerning what is and isn’t going to happen […]

What is OneDrive for Business?

There are so many tools that come with Office 365 that sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of what they all do and how they can help your organisation to achieve more every day. Everyone knows what Word, Excel and Publisher can do for you but things are less clear on the new additions to […]

Working from Home with the Cloud

The Cloud has broken down barriers when it comes to accessing what we need during our working day. Being able to work from home is becoming a benefit for many employees as they juggle lengthy commutes and children as well as the constant disruptions they may get when in the office. Being able to shut yourself away […]

5 Myths About Moving to the Cloud

There is still an issue that people don’t fully understand the Cloud or what migrating to it can entail for your business. A lot of people still think that it’s not secure or if you lose access to the Internet you lose the ability to work. We thought we would debunk a few myths and tell you […]

IT as a Service: What does it mean?

We’re hearing the words ‘as a service’ all the time now in the IT industry. ‘Everything as a service’, ‘software as a service’, even ‘Surface as a Service’! What’s annoying is when you keep hearing the term repeatedly and you are still not quite sure what it means. To be simple, ‘IT as a service’ […]

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