Cyber Essentials Certification

Prevent cyberattacks and take steps towards GDPR compliance with Cyber Essentials.

Cyber Essentials Certification

Cyber Essentials is a certification that highlights your organisation’s mindset when it comes to cyber security and data protection. ACUTEC’s Cyber Security Audit and Assessment will ready your business in preparation for achieving the Cyber Essentials trust mark.

Cyber-attacks are causing a massive headache for organisations. At the same time, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is worsening that headache by bringing in financial and legal consequences for organisations that do not take data security seriously.

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a government backed scheme designed to provide a cyber security certification suitable for all organisations. The certification ensures that your company has the precautions in place to prevent the majority of cyber-attacks. The scheme is supported by the Information Commissioner’s Office, making it a good step towards GDPR compliance.

Why should businesses get Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a cost-effective method of ensuring that your organisation is both protecting itself and its customers. The certification ensures that have preventative measures in place to ensure your data is secure while demonstrating to your clients that you take your security seriously.

You can see the full benefits of Cyber Essentials below.

Benefits of Cyber Essentials

"I know that with ACUTEC we are in safe hands."​
-Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland​

How can ACUTEC help with Cyber Essentials?

We can assist you in achieving your Cyber Essentials certification, both in preparing for and passing the assessment. Cyber Essentials is an independently verified self-assessment in which you must complete a questionnaire which may have some questions that you find difficult to answer or are unsure about. We can help you complete this with confidence.

To pass the questionnaire and receive your trust mark you need to know that the security you have in place meets the standard required. ACUTEC will conduct an audit to ensure that you have everything in place to comply with the requirements. We will then provide you with recommendations and remedial actions to ensure that you are in a good position to successfully attain the Cyber Essentials Certification.

Why choose ACUTEC for your Cyber Essentials certification?

We have been providing IT Services and Solutions to organisations across the Midlands and UK for over twenty years. Security is built into what do by design rather than being bolted on as an afterthought. We understand that a lot of hard work goes into making your business the success that it is and protecting it will always be your priority.

Our technical team is made up of the best talent that the Midlands has to offer. Every engineer that we employ is Microsoft Certified and has access to some of the leading training in the industry. The ACUTEC team as a whole is constantly striving to help our clients be able to achieve more every day. We have learnt a lot over the past twenty years and we have won some awards along the way. Say hello today and we will help you to get your Cyber Essentials certification and be confident in your security.

Keep your business secure with Cyber Essentials


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