A Beginner’s Guide to the Cloud

When you’re thinking about making changes to the technology that your business relies on it can be a difficult decision. You want to know what the initial impact will be, the long-term effects and the benefits. The most important thing you need to understand though is the change that you are actually making. It’s very […]

5 Benefits of the Cloud for Non-Profits

Organisations are considering the Cloud more and more. According to the Cloud Industry Forum in 2017, the overall Cloud adoption rate in the UK had risen to 88%. Despite this increase, it’s important that organisations do not just adopt the Cloud because everyone else is doing so. You need to fully consider the benefits that it will […]

Questions to Ask Your IT Provider

Your IT and the support it receives is fundamental to your business. It’s what keeps the clock ticking. At the end of the day most work is now completed via a device. Think about it. How have you communicated with people today? How are you reading this blog? How are your team keeping track of […]

What Are the Advantages of Cloud Computing?

The Cloud is becoming the central force behind most IT projects being implemented. Cloud computing is being talked about constantly and it is important for small and medium sized businesses to understand what it can bring to the table. What many do not realise is that Cloud services like Microsoft 365 have enabled smaller businesses to be able to […]

6 Ways to Streamline Your IT This January

When it comes to a brand new year everyone always talks about change and making things better like getting fitter and eating more healthily. It should be the same with your IT. If you want to get the most out of your business then you should take steps to streamline your IT to have a great […]

How to Create a Team in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a great tool for changing the way in which people communicate. Instead of having multiple email threads on the same topic, the application allows for conversations to be more natural and inclusive.

Migrating from Tobit to Exchange

When you are considering a new avenue in your IT, you need to think about the benefits that it can bring to your organisation and the impact that it will have on your work. Tobit’s David was an email software package that emerged back in 1997 and integrated faxes, emails, text messages and more into […]

What is Advanced Threat Protection for Office 365?

Cyber security is at the forefront of many finance or IT professionals’ minds these days. It appears that nearly every day there is another corporation that has been hacked or experienced a cyber security threat of some kind. Protecting an organisation against cybercrime is no longer a job for the IT department. Every individual in a […]

What Do you Get in Office 365?

Office 365, if you didn’t know, is a Cloud based subscription service in which you are able to access your email, Office suite and additional tools. Office 365 allows you to always be using the latest version of Microsoft’s products. Instead of having to make a big investment every couple of years in capital expenditure, Office 365 […]

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